Earlier this week ISA posted the attached blog arguing that significant reforms in cybersecurity policy are required to better protect our nation, including eliminating the significant redundancy in cyber regulations which is wasting vast amounts of limited cyber resources. We further argued that on this one specific topic the overall government reform of the new Administration and Congress could be helpful.

This argument has now been picked up in the cyber trade press (see below article) which we have circulated the Hill. In the less than 24 hours since the article was circulated we have received over 2 dozen requests for meetings on Capitol Hill – from both parties and in the House as well as the Senate — to discuss the ISA proposal to have OMB require AI be used to help eliminate cyber regulatory redundancy. This is an unusually large and broad response to this simple note and blog.

Blog – Disruption in Cyber is Good


Good afternoon,

Cybersecurity has historically been one of the very few substantive issues in Congress that has been addressed on a bipartisan basis. This is the appropriate way to address this specific topic as it may well be our nation’s major national threat of the 21st century.

Notwithstanding the intense national debate on broad government reform issues, when major cybersecurity issues such as the need to develop an adequately trained cyber workforce or eliminating wasteful and anti-security duplication of cyber regulation, are considered we need to continue to process these issues together and not conflate them in ways that will compromise our consensus national interests. That is the argument ISA is making in the attached story.

I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss this topic with you at your earliest convenience.