ISA Leads Effort W/DHS To “Reboot” Ind-Govt Partership

Since the crafting of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), the ISA has taken a lead role in seeking a viable partnership between government and industry to address the unique problems in defending integrated cyber systems against increasingly sophisticated attacks.

ISA outlined a re-drafted model in its Cyber Security “Social Contract” (2008) and “Social Contract 2.0” (2010) and has worked as a partner-member through participation in numerous industry-government partnership organizations, including the Sector Coordinating Councils (SCCs), the Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Security (PCIS), and the Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council (CIPAC), often in leadership roles.

This year, in his capacity as Chairman of the IT Sector Coordinating Council (IT SCC), the lead designated cybersecurity entity for DHS-IT industry coordination under the NIPP, ISA President Clinton launched a new program in conjunction with the government to establish for the first time a unified set of cybersecurity goals and objectives for both the public and private sector partners. In contrast, the process historically consisted of each of the partners – industry and government – separately creating goals and objectives, which, quite frequently, were not held in common.

Now, in coordination with the IT SCC, the Communication SCC, the PCIS, and senior DHS officials, ISA is developing a joint-analysis program that will describe the past successes and failures of the partnership as well as mechanisms for creating unified goals and objectives going forward.

For more information about the IT SCC, click here. For information about the Communications SCC, click here. For information about PCIS, click here.



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