“Cyber Czar” Praises ISA on Health Care Program

In an unusual move, the White House’s cyber security lead, the so called “Cyber Czar,” Howard Schmidt joined the ISA, ANSI, and the Santa Fe Group at the National Press Club  for the launch of the ISA’s most recent publication in its Financial Risk Management Program: “The Financial Impact of Breached Protected Health Information – A Business Case for Enhanced PHI Security.”

This publication is the most detailed in the Financial Risk Management series, further developing the idea of the need for greater enterprise risk management for cyber issues, but geared specifically to protecting personal data in the unique and highly regulated health care industry.

For downloadable copies of the ISA Risk Management publications, click here or click the Publications Tab above. To learn more about ISA’s enterprise and economic approach to cybersecurity, click the banner tabs above. To access ISA Presentations on the subject, click here or click the Presentations tab above.

For more information about ISA’s health care information security work and programs, click the “Health Care” tab above or its link below.



Health Care

ISA Hosts White House Event on Cybersecurity and Economy

ISA Briefs FDIC on ISA’s Financial Cyber Risk Program

Enterprise Security

Economics of Cyber Security



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