ISA as a Leader in Public Policy

Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green Meets with ISA Board Announcing He Will Introduce ISA Workforce Development Bill (PIVOTT Act) 2023


The ISA Mission is to integrate advanced technology with economics and public policy to create a sustainable system of cybersecurity.

House Armed Services Chair Mike Rogers Meets with ISA Board
Email sent from Chairman Mark Green of the House Homeland Security Committee to ISA President and CEO Larry Clinton
Fixing American Cybersecurity (Georgetown University Press) written by ISA board of directors outlines a new approach to cyber policy with specific chapters on policy reforms for specific critical industry sectors written by board members from these sectors.
Fixing American Cybersecurity won a Choice award from the American Library Association as “Outstanding Title for 2023” Homeland Chair Mark Green has distributed copies to othe Cyber Chairs in the House of Representatives.

The ISA board does this by implementing its three major goals – thought leadership, policy advocacy and developing effective best practices.

ISA President Clinton Addresses G-20 Summit on Digital Security in Saudi Arabia 2020
Senator Mike Rounds (Senate Lead on PIVOTT Act) meets with ISA Board

The source of ISA’s thought leadership and policy formation is its board of directors.

Since its founding over 20 years ago the ISA board has argued that the traditional policy approach focused on technical regulation did not appreciate the true depth of the cybersecurity issue which is not just about technical vulnerabilities but also the economic drivers that sustain the attack community.

Chairman Hal Rogers [R-KY] meets with ISA Delegation (Pictured from Left to Right: Top – David Badanes, AES, Niall Brennan, SAP, Chairman Hal Rogers, Larry Clinton, ISA; Bottom – JR Williamson, Leidos, Tracie Grella, AIG, Deneen DeFiore, United Airlines and Jon Brickey, Mastercard)

Rep. Dale Strong [R-AL] Pictured with ISA Board Members (Left to Right: Brigadier General Gregory Touhill, USAF (Ret.), CISSP, CISM, and NACD-DC, Carnegie Mellon University, JR Williamson, Leidos, Rep. Dale Strong, Michael Higgins, L3 Harris, Patrick Reidy, GE Aerospace)

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) meets with the ISA Board of Directors

Senator Markey With Larry Clinton after Clinton’s Testimony

Congressman Mike Rogers, Chairman, Senate Homeland Security Committee and Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, Ranking Member, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Receive McCurdy Award

Cyber Subcommittee Chair Garbarino Receives ISA McCurdy Award for Policy Innovation

Michael Daniel, Special Assistant to President Obama and Cybersecurity Coordinator at the White House Receives McCurdy Award

Senator Susan Collins, Ranking Member and Former Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, meets with the ISA Board

Rep. Ashley Hinson [R-IA] with ISA Board Members (Pictured from Left to Right: Murray Kenyon, US Bank, Joseph Nemec, BNY Mellon, Rep. Ashley Hinson, Tracie Grella AIG, Jon Brickey, Mastercard)

Rep. Brad Finstad [R-MN] with ISA Board Member Mike Gordon, McDonalds

Rep. Seth Magaziner [D-RI] Pictured with (Left to Right): Niall Brennan, SAP, Deneen DeFiore, United Airlines, David Badanes, AES, and Nicola Sanna, Safe Security and the Fair Institute

Some ISA Board Members (Pictured from Left to Right): Jon Brickey, Mastercard, Larry Clinton, ISA, David Badanes, AES, Patrick Hynes, EY, JR Williamson, Leidos, Tracie Grella, AIG

ISA Board Members at Capitol Hill