Internet Security Alliance to educate executives on cybersecurity during UPenn Wharton School program

Larry Clinton
President and CEO, Internet Security Alliance
(202) 236-0001

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – The Internet Security Alliance will again teach a cybersecurity course for corporate executives during the 2019 ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School on June 10.

This year marks the second year ISA will lead the cybersecurity course during the Stonier-Wharton program, following a successful inaugural class on cybersecurity during the 2018 Stonier-Wharton program.

The ISA-developed course will again be based on the successful Cyber-Risk Oversight Handbook created by the ISA in partnership with the National Association of Corporate Directors. The NACD Cyber-Risk Oversight Handbook has been independently assessed by PricewaterhouseCoopers as improving cybersecurity within organizations and creating better alignment of security with business goals.

“The Wharton School program remains a great opportunity to educate corporate executives on how they should approach cybersecurity in the corporate world, using principles that have been independently evaluated to be effective at improving cybersecurity,” said ISA President and CEO Larry Clinton. “This year’s Wharton School course will help a new class of corporate executives make informed cybersecurity decisions, utilizing empirical cyber-risk assessments to understand the return on investment of their cybersecurity expenditures.”

Cybersecurity executives from major corporations will brief participants during sessions on insider threats, supply chain management, incident response, and cyber-risk economics. The course will also feature an interactive exercise for students to evaluate the effectiveness of enterprise-wide cybersecurity risk-management programs using cost-benefit analyses.

About ISA: The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) is a trade association with members from virtually every critical industry sector. ISA’s mission is to integrate advanced technology with economics and public policy to create a sustainable system of cybersecurity. ISA pursues three goals: thought leadership, policy advocacy and promoting sound security practices. ISA’s “Cybersecurity Social Contract” has been embraced as the model for government policy by both Republicans and Democrats. ISA also developed the Cyber Risk Handbook for the National Association of Corporate Directors. For more information about ISA, please visit or 703-907-7090.
