ISA President Larry Clinton has been asked to detail the implications of the ISA Cyber Security Social Contract as it relates to the future of Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Commons at an invitation only meeting in Virginia Beach today, June 30th.
The conference is being sponsored by the NATO Allied Command, The US Joint Forces Command–Joint Futures Group, The National Defense University Institute for Strategic Studies, and the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Civil Military Relations.
Last fall the US State Department flew ISA President Clinton to the NATO Cyber Excellence Center for a preliminary briefing on the same topic. Today’s briefing will build on that presentation for an audience of approximately 100 invited guests primarily representing US and NATO planning personnel.
“It has become increasingly clear that the growing cyber security threat can only be managed through a creative partnership between the public and private sectors. However there seems to be comparatively little rigorous work describing exactly how this modern partnership can be structured and maintained. The ISA Social Contract currently provides the most detailed framework for creating a sustainable system,” according to Clinton. “Taken together with the functional projects the ISA membership has undertaken in areas ranging from supply chain to advanced communication platforms like VOIP and new approaches to information sharing, the ISA is providing both planning and pragmatic leadership. We are extremely flattered to be the only trade group asked to address this conference and look forward to continuing to work with the US and international government partners,” Clinton said.