ISA Board Member Hickey Testifies Before Congress

“Ideologically motivated cyber attacks are increasing in volume, sophistication and coordination according to the Chairman of Communications Sector Coordinating Council (CSCC), Verizon Vice President and ISAlliance Board Vice Chair Mike Hickey.

In testimony Wednesday before the House Committee on Cyber Security Hickey described the tremendous efforts already underway to combat the threat and identified pragmatic initiatives that government can take to assist in this effort.

The IT and Telecommunications Coordinating Councils have generally been regarded as among the most comprehensive in their work on combating cyber threats. But Hickey noted that “what cannot be underestimated by policy makers is the enormous amount of private sector resources that are being devoted to finding solutions.”

“Whatever success the CSCC has achieved in the development of the sector specific plan has resulted from industry’s singular focus on developing a critical asset protection plan that is designed by industry for implementation by industry, Hickey said.

Although the private sector owns and operates 80% of the critical infrastructure, Hickey was able to provide the Committee practical set of functions that the government can initiate to compliment the overall security effort.

“Greater Federal government focuses on effective engagement and integration of state and local authorities in all aspects of critical infrastructure protection and emergency response, including practical steps on access and credentialing. Government must also continue to integrate industry more fully on operational planning coordination and joint policy initiatives. Effective partnerships require early involvement of industry and direct engagement in government programs including protection and response plans,” Hickey said.