ISA Hosts White House Event on Cybersecurity And Economy

On June 6, 2012, the Internet Security Alliance hosted an invitation-only event at the White House on economic issues related to cyber security. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano was the featured speaker, providing opening comments and engaged the invited guests in an open and robust question and answer session. Mark Weatherford, the DHS Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity for the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD), also spoke and remained for Q&A.

Among the topics discussed during the half-day session were the status of pending cyber legislation, the economics of cybersecurity, including the market incentives that currently exist to deploy less secure systems and the need for greater positive incentives to promote security, the potential effects of increased government regulation in this space, the need for greater R&D, the need for greater public awareness especially in the small business community, and what some larger organizations are doing to promote cyber security not only within their own organizations, but in schools universities and smaller businesses. Northrop Grumman provided an extensive model of its program and how it might be scaled to assist smaller organizations (Tim McKnight of Northrop currently serves as ISA’s Chairman of the Board).

This event is one of the latest in a series of efforts that ISA has led to increase the awareness of the importance of economic considerations of cyber security from the private sector point of view and the need to enhance this appreciation at the most senior levels of government in order to create a sustainable system of cyber security.



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