ISA as a Leader in Cyber Promotion



Reed Awards

For Best Use of Advanced Metrics for Cybersecurity for Business.



Reed Awards

For Best Use of Market Targeting for Cybersecurity for Business.



Reed Awards

For Best Public Interest Campaign for Cybersecurity for Business.


The ISA Mission is to integrate advanced technology with economics and public policy to create a sustainable system of cybersecurity. It does this by implementing its three major goals – thought leadership, policy advocacy and developing effective best practices, particularly for corporate boards and senior management. The ISA board creates cutting edge insights as to how to better address cyber risk and develops and advocates for creative public policy to implement this thought leadership. However, it is equally important for ISA to actively promote this thought leadership and policy through traditional and non-traditional methods.

ISA has been featured in virtually all traditional major media TV/Radio and Print outlets as well as award winning books and publications. In addition, ISA has fashioned creative social media promotional programs such as their award winning “Re-Think Cybersecurity” campaign which won three prestigious “READ Awards – the “Oscars” of the professional campaign world. In 2025 ISA, in conjunction with SkyTop Media will launch the first regularly scheduled Internationally streamed TV Program, “Fixing Cybersecurity” over the SLING platform.

C-SPAN Cyber Security and the Private Sector Witnesses testified on cybersecurity threats to the U.S., and the role of the private sector and federal government in addressing those threats. They focused on cyber threats to small businesses, communications companies, mobile technology, cloud computing, and smart phone applications. Other topics included federal legislation on cyber security, the FCC’s role, and cybersecurity models in countries like Australia and Germany.
Google: NSA Isn’t Snooping On his June 12th Fox Business News appearance, ISA President Larry Clinton rebutted the notion that the private sector is providing the National Security Agency “unfettered access” to all of its data. Clinton stressed the fact that companies safeguard their data because it is in their business interests to do so. He also noted the paradox that while Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning were able to obtain security clearances, the people that are actually tasked with cybersecurity for the nation’s critical infrastructure are facing too long of a wait and are having difficulty obtaining clearances.
EMCTV Security Legislation: IT Insider with ISA’s Larry Clinton There are a number of cybersecurity bills hotly debated on Capitol Hill and more than one government agency vying to “own” cybersecurity for the nation. So with all of this disagreement, how can lawmakers, security agencies and businesses find a way to work together to protect our safety and our intellectual property?
DIGIT INTERVIEWS – Larry Clinton, Cyber Security Expert
CNBC Defending Cyber Attacks On February 13, 2013, following the release of the Obama administration’s Executive Order 13636, CNBC’s “Power Lunch” asked ISA President Larry Clinton to appear on the show to discuss how the order will impact the private sector and solicit ISA’s view on its implications.
CNBC: Cyber Attack Warning
CNBC Corporate America’s Cyber Defense
CSPAN: The Communicators on cybersecurity and privacy issues Marc Rotenberg and Larry Clinton, two critics of the Obama administration’s proposals for reducing cyber threats against the U.S., talked about their objections and criticisms.
PBS NEWS HOUR Is The Web Becoming Less Secure? In the wake of the Gawker Media hacking over the weekend, Jeffrey Brown gets a wider perspective about the vulnerability of online information and the danger of further cyberattacks from James Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and Larry Clinton of the Internet Security Alliance.
C-SPAN Cyber Security Policy Briefing

Re-Thinking Cybersecurity

In 2022 ISA launched its innovative cybersecurity promotion, the “RE-Thinking Cybersecurity” social media campaign. This highly successful campaign saw the Chairs of both the House and Senate Committee, the Cyber Subcommittee, and the acting head of CISA (and others) calling publicly to “re-think” cybersecurity.  ISA, and its partner 1631 Digital, won three “Reed Awards” (the “Oscars” for public campaigns) from Campaign and Elections for “Best Overall Program,” “Best On-line Campaign,” and “Best Use of AI to Optimize Targeting.”

ISA President Larry Clinton Interviewing Michael Daniel, former chief cyber advisor to President Obama

Fixing Cybersecurity

ISA’s companion document to the “Cyber-Risk Oversight Handbooks” – Cybersecurity for Business: Ensuring Cyber Risk in NOT Just an IT Issue (Kogan Press 2022) was the number one new release on Amazon for 6 weeks and has been republished in German. Cybersecurity for Business was also nominated for three international book awards.

ISA has testified before the US Congress on multiple occasions and done briefings on Cybersecurity for the NATO Cyber Center in Estonia and the Organization of American States Cyber Summit in Santiago, Chile. ISA has also presented at major industry conferences including RSA, Blackhat, and the AI Summit in New York, among others.

ISA President and CEO Larry Clinton Interviewing ISA Board Member Brigadier General Gregory Touhill, USAF (Ret.), CISSP, CISM, and NACD-DC
ISA President and CEO Larry Clinton Interviewing Mark Weatherford, Vice President of Policy and Standards at Gretel
ISA President Larry Clinton Interviewing Scott Algeier, the Executive Director of the IT-ISAC
ISA President Larry Clinton Interviewing President and Chief Executive Officer Peter Gleason of the National Association of Corporate Directors