(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – The Internet Security Alliance announced today its support of Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul’s (R-TX) efforts to revise congressional committee responsibilities so that federal policy making can be efficient and responsive to the needs of the digital age.
“Congress is structured on an industrial-age model with its sector-specific committees and subcommittees. The current chaotic and disorganized governmental structures for dealing with issues such as cybersecurity are inefficient, and prevents government from being adequately responsiveness to the needs of the digital age,” said ISA President Larry Clinton.
“Just as government shouldn’t tell industry how to organize, industry shouldn’t micro-manage Congress, so we won’t get into the details, but Congressman McCaul is absolutely correct when he says these organizational issues need to be addressed,” said Clinton.
At its recent conference, ISA released its book – The Cybersecurity Social Contract – which includes a 12-step program and 10 cheap tricks to improve cybersecurity. One of ISA’s recommendations is to restructure government from an industrial age model to a digital age model
“The digital age cuts across legacy jurisdictional lines, and government needs to get similarly organized. It is imperative that government reorganize for the digital age. There are currently 78 different congressional committees and subcommittees that assert they have jurisdiction over cybersecurity and multiple committees in the House that claim jurisdiction over DHS functions. These turf battles make developing agile and timely cyber policy virtually impossible,” according to ISA’s recent filing with the Presidential Commission on Cyber Security.
“Sadly, the most sensitive issue in government isn’t money or policy, its jurisdictional turf. The fact that Chairman McCaul needs to get three separate committees to sign off on moving the DHS bill highlights the struggles we face in creating a sustainable cyber system,” said Clinton.
About ISA: The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) is a trade association with members from virtually every critical industry sector. ISA’s mission is to integrate advanced technology with economics and public policy to create a sustainable system of cyber security. ISA pursues three goals: thought leadership, policy advocacy and promoting sound security practices. ISA’s “Cybersecurity Social Contract” has been embraced as the model for government policy by both Republicans and Democrats. ISA also developed the Cyber Risk Handbook for the National Association of Corporate Directors. For more information about ISA, please visit www.isalliance.org or 703-907-7090.