Who: ISA President Larry Clinton and ISA Board Member, Jeff Brown, Raytheon, Director of Infrastructure Services and Chief Information Security Officer.
What: Larry Clinton will present of briefing of ISA’s policies on an economics based approach to cyber security & the use of market incentives. Jeff Brown will present on the model to improve information sharing which was presented in the ISA Social Contract II.
Why: The first in a two part series, sponsored by the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, on strengthening the important public-private partnership that exists in the cybersecurity arena. The public nature of the internet means that the government is constantly interfacing with private citizens and businesses in the digital domain. This creates numerous opportunities and challenges for both parties. The purpose of this discussion is to look more closely at the government’s role and explore how it can help to develop better incentives or regulations for actions in cyberspace. Speakers will include Larry Clinton, President of the Internet Security Alliance, and Jeffrey Brown, the Chief Information Security Officer for Raytheon.
When: Thursday, June 17 at 4:30pm – 6:30pm. It is open to Members, staff and the public.
Where: HVC-215 on Thursday, June 17th, from 4:30-6:00pm
Contact: Marjorie Morgan, 703/907-7090