New cyber security event in Germany discusses pros and cons of emerging technology

A new cyber security event is bringing companies such as Microsoft, Siemens and Kaspersky Lab together to discuss the opportunities and drawbacks of new technologies.

Command Control kicked off in Munich, Germany, on the 20th of September, with discussions on cyber security as a social phenomenon, and understanding and managing human risk.

Messe Munich CEO Klaus Dittrich said it was the first cyber security event of its kind in Munich.

Rather than holding it in a traditional format, with exhibitors lining the halls, Dittrich wanted it to involve people, by offering workshops and speaking forums that allow company CEOs and top management to be involved, rather than just catering it to IT specialists.

“What used to be purely IT subject has since reached the upper echelons of many companies. They are calling for support and genuine solutions,” he said.

The event is being held in English as it is meant for an international audience rather than focusing on Germany alone.

Seventy-five national and international speakers are hosting forums and workshops to discuss what a secure future looks like and how the subject of net security can be established in companies.

Top speakers include Eugene Kaspersky, the co-founder of Kaspersky Lab, and Marco Gercke, a world leading expert in the field of cyber security and cyber crime.

At a press conference on the opening day, Siemens chief cyber security officer Natalia Oropeza said the digital world is ever-evolving to the extent that her vacuum cleaner now communicates with her cellphone.

Technology and software is constantly going through improvements, but people have different motivations, such as financial motivations and even using technology for terrorism, she said.

“This is how I describe the risk,” said Oropeza.

“Hackers are not only intelligent, but they are also well organised, they have resources and they react very fast. So we have to develop and change constantly.”

But it’s not all bad news.

“It’s important that we understand what our strategy is in cyber security. It’s not just risks, but there are also opportunities,” said Oropeza.

Talks from IT experts such as Josh Klein, a hacker and TED talker, discuss how companies can benefit from the technology and how they can best avoid cyber attacks.

On Friday afternoon, Larry Clinton, president of the Internet Security Alliance, will discuss effective ways for the board and management to address cyber threats.

Then, on the dimmer side of the net, Marco di Filippo, a cyber-enthusiast, will discuss understanding the darknet.

Command Control is designed for small and large companies, with startups also getting a spot on the stage.

Command Control project manager Katharina Keupp said founders can only be successful when decision-makers, investors and other leading thinkers from the sector also find out about good ideas in within security solutions.

“The threat landscape for companies and consumers is constantly changing and therefore continuously requires new security solutions. Unlike almost every other sector, cybersecurity therefore offers long-term prospects of success for young companies,” said Keupp.

Command Control is a three-day event, ending on the 22nd of September.