OR: Portland Psychiatrist Alerting Patients Personal Information Stolen

By Dissent

Nick Budnick reports:

A Northwest Portland psychiatrist is putting out public notice that personal information of 480 current and former patients on a laptop was stolen from his office.

A burglar broke into Dr. David Turner’s office last October, stealing the laptop and other items. Turner is now seeking current and former patients to inform them of the theft after many of them could not be reached by mail.

Turner is buying identity theft protection for the patients, but so far only about 48 patients have signed up, said his lawyer, Kelly Hagan.

To view the original article please click here.

Turner’s patients are encouraged to call ID Experts, the firm offering the protection, at 1-888-299-1179.

From last October to March to notify? That seems like a long time, although I realize that the doctor tried to reach the patients by mail without success.

This breach is not and would not be on HHS’s breach tool because the number of affected patients is under 500. So far, I haven’t found any details on the breach as to what kinds of data were on the laptop.

Update: Fox12 provides a few additional details on the incident and notes that some SSNs may be involved.