RSA: Internet Security Alliance President Larry Clinton

By Anthony Freed (InfoSec Island)

Larry Clinton is President and CEO of the Internet Security Alliance (ISA). Infosec Island provides ISA members with additional news and information links via their daily email updates.

ISA is a multi-sector industry group created by the former Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Intelligence and Carnegie Mellon University. ISA’s mission is to integrate advanced technology with the business needs of the owners and operators of the Internet and to create enlightened public policy that leads to a sustainable and secure Internet. ISA represents major corporations from the Aviation, Banking, Communications, Defense, Insurance, Manufacturing, Technology and Security industries.

ISA has articulated its pro-market approach to cyber security through the two editions of its “Cyber Security Social Contract.” When the Obama Administration released its own policy paper for cyber security, the Cyberspace Policy Review, the first document it quoted was the ISA Social Contract. In fact, the Administration’s Executive Summary both begins and ends by citing the ISA, and more than a dozen ISA white papers are cited in the Administration’s policy review – far more than any other source. In 2009, the U.S. State Department sent Larry to Estonia to brief the NATO Cyber Security Center of Excellence on the ISA Social Contract model. In addition to the Social Contract model, ISA has also taken on other projects to address cyber security from an enterprise-wide, risk management perspective. ISA’s two most recent publications on this topic are: “The Financial Management of Cyber Risk,” and “50 Questions Every CFO should be asking about Cyber Security.

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As a result of his work at ISA, Larry is known as one of the most reliable sources on cyber security in Washington, D.C. He has been featured on CBS News, Fox News, CNN, C-SPAN, CNBC “Power Lunch” and CNBC, “Squawk on the Street”. In addition he is frequently included in numerous print and radio media outlets including the Washington Post. Larry has also written numerous articles and best practice manuals on cyber security and has served as editor of two professional journals on the subject. Larry is regularly called upon to testify before both the U.S. House and Senate.

Prior to his work with ISA, Larry held a teaching position at the University of Illinois and was the Legislative Director for the current Chairman of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Rick Boucher. In addition, Larry was the Vice President of the US Telephone Association (now the US Telecom Association) prior to joining ISA in 2002.