New ANSI Report Calls For Enhanced Security To Safeguard Protected Health Information

Report is a call to action for healthcare to invest more to protect patient information To view the original article please click here. By Don Bailey Washington, DC, March 5, 2012: With the release today of The Financial Impact of Breached Protected Health Information: A Business Case for Enhanced PHI Security, health care organizations now have […]

ANSI Publishes Report On Security Breaches

By Staff Writers The Identity Theft Prevention and Identity Management Standards Panel of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has published a 67-page report about the need for healthcare organizations to protect patient information from data breaches. The “Financial Impact of Breached Health Information” discusses the financial, legal, operational, clinical, and other repercussions of […]

ANSI: Know The Impact Of A Breach Before It Occurs

To view the original article please click here. As adoption rates rise, health IT makes protected health information (PHI) available to more organizations and entities, increasing the likelihood of data being improperly disclosed, lost or stolen. Despite the risks and costs of a potential data breach, many healthcare executives aren’t doing enough to support their organizations’ […]

ISA Discusses Joint ANSI/ISA Project To Develop An Enterprise Wide Cybersecurity Framework

Internet Security Alliance (ISA) President Larry Clinton will describe the progress being made in the joint ANSI/ISA project to develop an enterprise wide cybersecurity framework Wednesday afternoon at the 8th Plenary of the Homeland Security Standards Panel in Washington DC. Two years ago, DHS Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity Gregory Garcia charged ISA and ANSI to […]