Cybersecurity Bill Passes, Obama Threatens Veto

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, which has been revised several times over the past week, allows the government and private companies to share information with one another with the aim of warding off cyber threats.

Cybersecurity Bill Passes, Obama Threatens Veto

By David Goldman (CNN) NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The House of Representatives, as expected, approved a controversial cybersecurity bill late Thursday, staring down a veto threat. But the fight to protect the United States from a cataclysmic cyber attack is far from over. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, which has been revised several times over the past week, […]

Cybersecurity Bill Faces Uncertain Future In Fight Over Regulation

By Gerry Smith (Huffington Post) WASHINGTON — It is a scenario that many officials in Washington say keeps them awake at night: a cyberattack against critical infrastructure. Many lawmakers believe the nation’s vital computer networks are vulnerable to such an event, which they say could lead to the collapse of the banking system, sustained blackouts or […]

Tax Breaks Considered To Improve Cybersecurity on Vital Networks

By Chris Strohm (Bloomberg) To view the original article please click here. Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) — Tax breaks and liability protection may spur banking, energy and telecommunication companies to improve cybersecurity on their computer networks, the chairman of a House technology panel said. Representative Greg Walden, an Oregon Republican, said today he will consider taking up […]

Feds Should Provide Industry With Cybersecurity Data And Incentives, Experts Testify

(Info Security) The US communications industry needs better information sharing, tax breaks, and liability protection from the federal government to improve cybersecurity, experts told a House panel on Wednesday. Entrust president and CEO Bill Conner highlighted the importance of public-private partnerships to share intelligence and inform the public. “The federal government needs to work more closely with […]

Experts Disagree On Focus Of Cybersecurity Legislation

By Molly Bernhart Walker (FierceIT) Cybersecurity legislation is needed, agreed the panelists speaking Feb. 8 before the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on communications and technology–but what that legislation should look like was a far more divisive issue. While the telecommunications industry is doing a good job of securing its infrastructure, other sectors need regulations […]

Security Experts Ask House For Light Regulatory Touch

Technology industry representatives — looking to prevent an additional set of compliance requirements — urge House subcommittee to avoid new cybersecurity regulations to shore up the nation’s digital defenses. By Kenneth Corbin (CIO) WASHINGTON — Cybersecurity experts on Wednesday warned members of a House subcommittee against racing to legislation that would establish an overly burdensome […]

Cyber Regulation Lost In A Time Machine

Jettisoning Old Ideas about Securing Vital IT Networks By Eric Chabrow (Gov Info Security) The concept of time supported contrary views on the need for more stringent government regulations to protect the nation’s critical information infrastructure. For Larry Clinton, chief executive of the industry lobbying group Internet Security Alliance, regulation is so last century and other factors […]

CYBERSECURITY: Threats To Communications Networks And Private-Sector Responses

To view the original article please click here. The Subcommittee on Communications and Technology has scheduled a hearing on Wednesday, February 8, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. in room 2322 of the Rayburn House Office Building. The title of the hearing is “Cybersecurity: Threats to Communications Networks and Private-Sector Responses.”

Entrust President and CEO Outlines Cybersecurity Dangers

CONNER SPEAKS DURING CONGRESSIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING Entrust executive provides insight into cybersecurity attacks targeting vulnerable small businesses, enterprises via the Internet DALLAS, Feb. 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Entrust Inc. President and CEO Bill Conner was invited as an expert speaker to the U.S. Subcommittee on Communications and Technology’s cybersecurity hearing in Washington D.C. Wednesday. The invitation to participate in the hearing, […]