ISA Present McCurdy Award To Sens. Burr and Feinstein
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 8, 2016 CONTACT: LARRY CLINTON | 202-236-0001 | June 8, 2016/WASHINGTON DC — The Internet Security Alliance will present its “McCurdy Award” for cybersecurity policy innovation to Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein at the ISA’s annual spring salon dinner this evening. The […]
Bill Would Have Businesses Foot Cost Of Cyberwar
Business executives and national security leaders are of one mind over the need to improve the security of the computers that control the U.S. power grid, the financial system, water treatment facilities and other elements of critical U.S. infrastructure. But they divide over the question of who bears responsibility for that effort.
Security Legislation: IT Insider with ISA’s Larry Clinton

There are a number of cybersecurity bills hotly debated on Capitol Hill and more than one government agency vying to “own” cybersecurity for the nation. So with all of this disagreement, how can lawmakers, security agencies and businesses find a way to work together to protect our safety and our intellectual property?
Cybersecurity Bill Faces Uncertain Future In Fight Over Regulation
By Gerry Smith (Huffington Post) WASHINGTON — It is a scenario that many officials in Washington say keeps them awake at night: a cyberattack against critical infrastructure. Many lawmakers believe the nation’s vital computer networks are vulnerable to such an event, which they say could lead to the collapse of the banking system, sustained blackouts or […]
ANALYSIS: Government Must ‘Modernize’ Cyber Defense
By Jack Moore (Federal News Radio) Even as the House and Senate debate various proposals for cybersecurity legislation, the cyber environment is rapidly changing, one expert says. To view the original article please click here. Larry Clinton, the president of the Internet Security Alliance, testified before the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee Wednesday on the evolving cyber threat and […]
Experts Disagree On Focus Of Cybersecurity Legislation
By Molly Bernhart Walker (FierceIT) Cybersecurity legislation is needed, agreed the panelists speaking Feb. 8 before the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on communications and technology–but what that legislation should look like was a far more divisive issue. While the telecommunications industry is doing a good job of securing its infrastructure, other sectors need regulations […]
House Subcom Serious About Cybersecurity
Experts Say Threat is Growing, as Roles of MSOs,Other ISPs in Battling Attacks By Mike Reynolds (Multichannel) The concerns of House Democrats and Republicans about cybersecurity was made clear in a Hill hearing Wednesday unusually free of the partisan divides that often surface in hearings in the House Communications Subcommittee. During the hearing on “Cybersecurity: […]
Senate Cyber Legislation Facing Industry Resistance Over Cost
By Eric Engleman and Chris Strohm Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) — A Senate measure aimed at compelling operators of vital U.S. utility and other networks to strengthen cybersecurity drew resistance from some business groups concerned that the bill would raise companies’ costs. Responses to draft versions of the legislation have included “hard pushback” from trade groups […]
Internet Security Alliance Endorses Cyber Security Legislation
By Anthony Freed (InfoSec Island) To view the original article please click here. Internet Security Alliance President Larry Clinton praised the new direction on cyber security legislation that was signaled in a pair of new letters from Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and 4 key Senate Republican leaders. “I note with great enthusiasm Majority Leader […]
Industry Groups Push For Security Incentives, Not Laws
Angela Moscaritolo, DC Magazine, 03/09/2011 Instead of imposing additional security regulations, the U.S. government must work with the private sector to develop incentives that motivate companies to voluntarily adopt security best practices, a coalition of industry associations and civil liberties groups recommended in a white paper released Tuesday. The paper, crafted by members of the […]