Cyber Security and the Private Sector

House Energy and Commerce Subcommitte on Communications and Technology Witnesses testified on cybersecurity threats to the U.S., and the role of the private sector and federal government in addressing those threats. They focused on cyber threats to small businesses, communications companies, mobile technology, cloud computing, and smart phone applications. Other topics included federal legislation on […]
CSPAN: The Communicators on cybersecurity and privacy issues

Marc Rotenberg and Larry Clinton, two critics of the Obama administration’s proposals for reducing cyber threats against the U.S., talked about their objections and criticisms.
ISA Endorses Industry-Civil Liberties Cybersecurity Document
The Internet Security Alliance is pleased be a part of an unprecedented coalition of industry and civil liberties organizations in releasing a detailed white paper on cyber security policy. The organizations constructed the paper in coordination with their members and sponsors. The sponsoring organizations are the Business Software Alliance, The Center for Democracy and Technology, The […]
Is The Web Becoming Less Secure?

In the wake of the Gawker Media hacking over the weekend, Jeffrey Brown gets a wider perspective about the vulnerability of online information and the danger of further cyberattacks from James Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and Larry Clinton of the Internet Security Alliance. For a full transcript of this exchange, […]
Interview With Internet Security Alliance President And CEO Larry Clinton
Focus By Anthony Freed, Managing Editor, Infosec Island Network Introduction I recently had the opportunity to discuss information security issues with Larry Clinton,Internet Security Alliance (ISA) President and CEO. ISA is a multi-sector trade association established in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University in 2000. ISA represents an array of organizations concerned with information security from the aviation, banking, communications, […]
ISA Asked To Assess Cybersecurity Future For Allied Military Conference
ISA President Larry Clinton has been asked to detail the implications of the ISA Cyber Security Social Contract as it relates to the future of Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Commons at an invitation only meeting in Virginia Beach today, June 30th. The conference is being sponsored by the NATO Allied Command, The US […]
ISA To Take Part In A Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus Event
Who: ISA President Larry Clinton and ISA Board Member, Jeff Brown, Raytheon, Director of Infrastructure Services and Chief Information Security Officer. What: Larry Clinton will present of briefing of ISA’s policies on an economics based approach to cyber security & the use of market incentives. Jeff Brown will present on the model to improve information sharing which […]
CYBER ATTACKS: Movie Fiction Or Real Life Fact
Who: The technical experts are Ken Silva, Chief Technology Officer for VeriSign and a former ISA Board Chairman; Lt. General (Ret.) Charlie Croom, former Director of the Defense Information Systems Agency and the Commander of the Joint Task Force for Global Network Operations who now serves on the ISA Board as VP for Cyber Security Solution […]
ISA To Lead National Security Sector At Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit
Internet Security Alliance President Larry Clinton has been asked to chair the National Security sector of the First Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit scheduled to take place in Dallas from May 3-5. The Worldwide Cyber Security Summit, sponsored by the EastWest Institute in conjunction with major corporations such as Dell/Perot Systems, will bring together 450 participants from […]
Cybersecurity Event Featuring Melissa Hathaway
What: The ISA will present Melissa Hathaway with an award for her contributions to cyber security, exactly one year after the Obama Administration appointed her to conduct a 60-day review of the government’s cyber security program. Her work culminated in a landmark report titled, “Cyberspace Policy Review: Assuring a Trusted and Resilient Information and Communications Infrastructure.” […]