Top 25 ISA Accomplishments in 2016

Top 25 ISA Accomplishments in 2016


  1. PricewaterhouseCooper’s 2016 Global Information Security Survey independently documents positive impact of the “Cyber Risk Oversight Handbook” prepared by ISA board and for the National Association of Corporate Directors. PWC credits the Handbook, by name, with fundamentally changing the way boards are now treating cybersecurity including significant increases ion budget, better risk management, better alignment of cyber risk with business goals, creating a culture of security and improved organization wide communication about the issue.
  1. ISA is the only trade association commissioned by the Republican National Committee to provide the cybersecurity briefings at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Joining ISA President Clinton in the briefings were House Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul, former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, and the first DHS Asst. Secretary for cybersecurity Greg Garcia. RNC circulates pre-publication copies of the upcoming ISA book on policy recommendations.
  1. ISA publishes “The Cybersecurity Social Contract 3.0,” intended as a policy guide for the incoming Administration and Congress. The book includes 17 chapters written by 13 members of the ISA board members as well as staff and partner experts containing 106 policy recommendations, broken down by industry sector as well as cross cutting issues.
  1. ISA Social Contract book is endorsed by multiple independent experts including former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, former NSA Director (Adm) Mike McConnel, former chief cyber advisor to both Bush and Obama Administrations Melissa Hathaway, former DISA Director (Lt Gen) Charlie Croom, former Carnegie Mellon Dean Pradeep Khosla, and former RSA Chairman Art Coviello.
  1. Presidential Commission on Cybersecurity adopts all 12 of ISA’s major recommendations for cyber policy in their report as well as scores of the sector specific recommendations they make to the Trump Administration.
  1. ISA celebrates 15 year anniversary with conference featuring WH senior cyber advisor Michael Daniel, House Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul, WH Special Asst. to the President for Technology and Economic Policy Bruce Edelmen, House Cyber Security Sub-Committee Chairman Will Hurd, Cyber Commission Ex-Director Kiersten Todt, former Presidential Cyber Advisor Melissa Hathaway, Asst. Attorney General John Carlin, DHS Undersecretary for Infrastructure Protection Suzanne Spaulding, Commerce Dept. Secretary Bruce Andrews, NACD CEO Ken Daly, former RSA Chairman Art Coviello, and presentations by 17 ISA board members relating to the chapters they helped create.
  1. SC Magazine recognizes ISA for “Outstanding contributions to the field of cybersecurity” with its 2016 “Editors Choice Award” at the RSA convention in San Francisco.
  1. National Association of Corporate Directors and ISA jointly sponsor National Summit on Cybersecurity issues for Corporate Boards of Directors in Chicago. Sold out event (300 corporate directors) features presentations by 10 ISA board members
  1. National Association of Corporate Directors recognizes ISA President Larry Clinton as one of the 100 most influential people in the field of corporate governance for the second consecutive year. The list is dominated by CEOs of major corporations and senior government officials such as the 5 SEC Commissioners. ISA is the only cyber organization to be so recognized.
  1. ISA achieves 100% renewal rate from sponsoring companies from 2015 to 2016. Thompson-Reuters joins ISA as 20th sponsor company.
  1. ISA Board Vice Chair JR Williamson and President Larry Clinton appointed to steering committee of the Digital Equilibrium Project tasked with resolving issues between the privacy, security, law enforcement, and intelligence communities. Other steering committee members include former DHS Secretary Chertoff, former NSA Director McConnell, former Bush Administration National Security Advisor Dick Clark, International Association of Privacy Professionals President Trevor Hughes, Center for Democracy and Technology President Nula O’Conner and former RSA CEO Art Coviello.
  1. Center for Audit Quality appoints ISA President Larry Clinton and Board Chairman Jeff Brown of Raytheon to their Cybersecurity Advisory Committee to assist the AICPA re-think the process for cyber security auditing.
  1. ISA files in the AICPA request for comment on their proposals to reform cyber security auditing. ISA advocates, adopting a maturity model that would distinguish cyber assessments from financial audits and offers assistance in cyber education for CPAs. US Chamber of Commerce and American Petroleum Institute endorse the ISA’s major suggestions.
  1. ISA completes significant update of NACD Cyber Risk Handbook adding new sections on cyber issues related to mergers and acquisitions, insider threats, metrics, and supply chain management, as well as addressing evolutions in the threat picture such as more extensive international state attacks and the growing use of ransomware.
  1. ISA hosts a series of events in Europe to urge greater international collaboration fighting cyber crime. US Assistant Attorney General John Carlin keynotes ISA events coordinated by Internet Security Alliance for Europe (ISAFE) Executive Director Richard Knowlton.
  1. US State Department asks ISA to conduct training program in Mexico to better educate Mexican media on the nature of the cyber threat. ISA Assistant Vice President conducts the training for State
  1. Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) receive ISA’s 2016 McCurdy Award in recognition of the passage the ISA-inspired Information Sharing legislation at ISA Spring Board of Directors Salon dinner.
  1. ISA testifies before Presidential Commission on Cyber Security. ISA hand-delivers copies of Social Contract book to each Commission member.
  1. ISA is asked to testify at the first hearing on cyber security in 2016 by the House Science and Technology Committee.
  1. ISA appointed to the steering committee for the Multi-Association Working Group to spur greater development of the NIST Framework.
  1. ISA re-elected to the Board of Directors of the IT Sector Coordinating Committee (10th consecutive year).
  1. ISA AVP Dave Perera completes comparison of major cybersecurity control frameworks and identifies 6 consensus controls to protect systems from cyber attacks.
  1. Better Business Bureau and Hewlett Foundation agree to coordinate with ISA on effort to test the NIST Framework for effectiveness and cost effectiveness.
  1. ISA is featured speaker at 35 events and conferences in North America, Central America and Europe.
  1. ISA is featured in 633 media accounts about cybersecurity.