ISA Urges SEC To Take a Different Direction with Cybersecurity Reporting
In comments filed with the SEC Monday, the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) urged the commission to alter its proposed rules on cybersecurity reporting, which call for among other things reports on cybersecurity policies, procedures and methods within 4 days of determining if a cyber incident is “material” In a letter from ISA President Larry Clinton, […]
World Economic Forum, National Association of Corporate Directors, and Internet Security Alliance to Collaborate on Global Cyber Principles for Boards of Directors
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2020 — The World Economic Forum (the Forum), the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), and the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) today announced a collaborative effort to provide new guidance for directors to effectively oversee cyber risk for their organizations. The collaborative effort is inspired in part by the World Economic Forum’s […]
ISA and NACD Collaborate on Cyber Conference Targeting Corporate Boards
The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) and the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) will collaborate on a virtual conference on cybersecurity starting at noon today, focusing on the unique needs and responsibilities corporate boards have in addressing growing cyber-threats in a post-pandemic world. The conference will be built around the themes ISA and NACD have […]
Internet Security Alliance Applauds NIST Notice on Cyber and Enterprise Risk Management
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact:Larry Clinton, President and CEOInternet Security 236-0001 — The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) filed comments on NISTIR 8286 Integrating Cybersecurity and Enterprise Risk Management today, applauding NIST for moving beyond the traditional techno-centric focus on cybersecurity and helping to build needed bridges between the roles of management and corporate boards in addressing […]
Handbook on cyber-risk management help Boards of Directors in Europe secure business resilience
Brussels, Belgium – Today, the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) and the European Confederation of Directors’ Associations (ecoDa) released a handbook on cyber-risk management for corporate boards of directors in Europe. “A cyberattack is not what a Board of Directors wants to face in the midst of the Corona crisis. Our handbook will help prevent such […]
Internet Security Alliance and National Association of Corporate Directors Release New Guide for Cyber-Risk Oversight
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Josh Higgins Internet Security Alliance 703-778-0083 Susan Oliver NACD 703-216-4078 WASHINGTON, DC (February 25, 2020) – The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), the authority on boardroom practices representing more than 21,000 directors, and the Internet Security Alliance (ISA), comprising chief information security officers of Fortune 100 companies […]
ISA Board to Team-Teach Cybersecurity Course at Wharton
The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) Board of Directors has accepted an offer from the Wharton ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the University of Pennsylvania to team-teach a course on cybersecurity this summer. The Stonier program runs from June 4-11. “What sets this course apart from others, and what I believe is especially attractive […]
The Internet Security Alliance’s President Larry Clinton suggested that one of the main reasons we are not making much progress in securing cyberspace is that we are “focused on the wrong problem.” Clinton used the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as an example, claiming it represented a fundamental misunderstanding of the essence the […]
DHS Risk Management Center Head to Keynote International Cyber-Risk Event
Bob Kolasky, Director of the National Risk Management Center in the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, will keynote a unique international program highlighting how corporate boards are addressing cyber security to be held Friday, November 8, at the Organization of American States located at the General Secretariat Building of the Organization […]
KEIDANREN to promote ISA corporate governance cybersecurity principles in Japan
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Larry Clinton President and CEO, Internet Security Alliance (202) 236-0001 The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) is excited to announce that the Japan Business Federation (KEIDANREN) will adapt ISA’s Cyber-Risk Oversight Handbook for Japanese boards of directors. KEIDANREN – whose membership consists of over 1,400 Japanese companies, 109 industry associations and […]