Cybersecurity underfunded, industry tells congress

GCN Reports:  Agency IT managers who believe they do not have the resources to adequately fight cybersecurity threats got some backing from industry experts who voiced the same concerns to Congress.  At a Jan. 8 hearing held by two subcommittees of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, Larry Clinton, president and CEO of the […]

ISA Tells Congress What Government Should Learn About Cyber Security

  PRESS RELEASE January 7, 2016 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC CONTACT: LARRY CLINTON 202-236-0001 or  ISA TELLS CONGRESS WHAT GOVERNMENT SHOULD LEARN ABOUT CYBER SECURITY In testimony to be delivered Friday, Internet Security Alliance President Larry Clinton will provide the Congress with a “top-ten” list of things the federal government can learn from […]

Congress Set to Enact Cyberthreat Information-Sharing Law

GovInfoSecurity Reports: After years of failing to enact cyberthreat information-sharing legislation, Congress is poised to vote on a measure this week that would incentivize businesses to voluntarily share threat data with the federal government and with one another. The legislation, added to a 2,009-page omnibus $1.1 trillion spending bill, also would establish a process for […]

ISA Testimony Leads To Bipartisan Cyber Incentives Effort

ISA’s long-standing efforts to create an economically viable and sustainable approach to cybersecurity reached a milestone following an unusually collaborative and non-partisan hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology on February 8, 2012. After the hearing, Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) and Ranking Member Anna Eshoo (D-CA) formed a bipartisan Task […]

ISA Briefs Congress On Information Sharing

Information sharing is one of the most important tools in implementing a sustainable system of cybersecurity. However, the traditional information sharing models have been proven generally to be of limited effectiveness in that many organizations cannot devote the resources to participate in an Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) and because many of the traditionally […]

House GOP Task Force Report On Cybersecurity Adopts ISA Recommend

In the 112th Congress, a high-level task force convened by House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) endorsed the approach laid out by ISA in the Cyber Security Social Contract. When the House GOP Task Force on Cyber Security convened, ISA was the first witness called to provide recommendations.The House Republican Task Force Report on Cyber Security, […]

Security Experts Ask House For Light Regulatory Touch

Technology industry representatives — looking to prevent an additional set of compliance requirements — urge House subcommittee to avoid new cybersecurity regulations to shore up the nation’s digital defenses. By Kenneth Corbin (CIO) WASHINGTON — Cybersecurity experts on Wednesday warned members of a House subcommittee against racing to legislation that would establish an overly burdensome […]

Entrust President and CEO Outlines Cybersecurity Dangers

CONNER SPEAKS DURING CONGRESSIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING Entrust executive provides insight into cybersecurity attacks targeting vulnerable small businesses, enterprises via the Internet DALLAS, Feb. 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Entrust Inc. President and CEO Bill Conner was invited as an expert speaker to the U.S. Subcommittee on Communications and Technology’s cybersecurity hearing in Washington D.C. Wednesday. The invitation to participate in the hearing, […]

ISA To Take Part In A Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus Event

Who: ISA President Larry Clinton and ISA Board Member, Jeff Brown, Raytheon, Director of Infrastructure Services and Chief Information Security Officer. What: Larry Clinton will present of briefing of ISA’s policies on an economics based approach to cyber security & the use of market incentives. Jeff Brown will present on the model to improve information sharing which […]

ISA Testifies Before Congress About Market Incentives For Cyber Security

The President of the Internet Security Alliance told the House Committee on Telecommunications and The Internet today that our electronic infrastructure is in serious danger, but that 85?90% of security breaches could be averted if due diligence and already existing industry best practices were followed. “Congress does not need to create or mandate new security standards […]