ISA Praises Administration For Budget Increases For Cyber Security

PRESS RELEASE February 9 2016 –   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC CONTACT: LARRY CLINTON 202-236-0001 or ISA PRAISES ADMINISTRATION FOR BUDGET INCREASES FOR CYBER SECURITY The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) today praised the Obama Administration for the substantial increases to improve our nation’s cyber security program that are called for in their final budget. […]

White House Releases “Cyber Space Policy Review” — ISA is Most Cited Source

Released in 2009, the Cyber Space Policy Review was the Obama Administration’s assessment of U.S. policies and structure for cybersecurity. Drawing heavily from the Internet Security Alliance as a resource, the paper outlined a path forward to creating a reliable and resilient digital infrastructure. Covering resources including the Cyber Security Social Contract, white papers, and […]

ISA Hosts Conference on Cyber Security at White House Featuring DHS Secretary

The Internet Security Alliance hosted an invitation-only event at the White House on economic issues related to cyber security featuring DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. The session allowed guests to engage with the DHS secretary in a robust question and answer session in a more intimate setting. The DHS Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity for the […]

Media Asks ISA To Comment On WH Cyber Order

ISA on CNBC On February 13, 2013, following the release of the Obama Administration’s Executive Order, CNBC’s “Power Lunch” asked ISA President Larry Clinton to appear on the show to discuss how the Executive Order will impact the private sector and solicit ISA’s view on its implications.  To watch the segment, please proceed to ISA […]

ISA Hosts White House Event on Cybersecurity And Economy

On June 6, 2012, the Internet Security Alliance hosted an invitation-only event at the White House on economic issues related to cyber security. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano was the featured speaker, providing opening comments and engaged the invited guests in an open and robust question and answer session. Mark Weatherford, the DHS Deputy Under Secretary […]

White House Cybersecurity Chief Calls Meeting To Discuss President’s Agenda

Jaikumar Vijayan, ComputerWorld, 07/13/2010 White House cybersecurity coordinator Howard Schmidt will host a meeting Wednesday to discuss progress and ways to move forward on the cybersecurity agenda outlined by President Barack Obama in May 2009. Among those expected at the meeting are Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, and Gary Locke, Secretary of Commerce and several […]