Government Needs To Get Its Own Act Together With Respect To Cybersecurity

By: Larry Clinton, CEO/President Last week, I commented that given we have spent much of the last decade developing a consensus on an overall approach to cybersecurity as articulated in both the House GOP Task Force on Cybersecurity and President Obama’s Executive Order 13636, the one thing we don’t need from the newly appointed President’s […]

Dear Cyber Commission, We Don’t Need a New Plan

By: Larry Clinton, CEO/PRESIDENT A wise person once said every great plan eventually dissolves into actual work. What we need right now is actual work on cybersecurity. We have spent much of the past decade, and particularly the last 5 years, coming to a consensus on the best approach to improve our overall cybersecurity. Back […]

Major Indian Trade Group Seeks Alliance with ISA

In November of 2013, Larry Clinton, the President and CEO of the ISA, traveled to India to speak about cyber security issues in the international context. Mr. Clinton traveled to Chennai, India where he spoke with T. K. Ramachandran, a member of the board of governors and the secretary of the ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu […]

DHS Under Secretary Spaulding inserts ISA recommendations on cyber risk into new National Infrastructure Protection Plan

The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) established a strategic direction for coordinating the nation’s critical infrastructure protection and resilience initiatives. The new National Plan built on the previous Plan from 2009, and reflects major changes in risk, policy, and operating environments, reflecting “a significant evolution in critical infrastructure risk policy.” This evolution reflects movement toward […]

White House Releases “Cyber Space Policy Review” — ISA is Most Cited Source

Released in 2009, the Cyber Space Policy Review was the Obama Administration’s assessment of U.S. policies and structure for cybersecurity. Drawing heavily from the Internet Security Alliance as a resource, the paper outlined a path forward to creating a reliable and resilient digital infrastructure. Covering resources including the Cyber Security Social Contract, white papers, and […]

ISA Hosts Conference on Cyber Security at White House Featuring DHS Secretary

The Internet Security Alliance hosted an invitation-only event at the White House on economic issues related to cyber security featuring DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. The session allowed guests to engage with the DHS secretary in a robust question and answer session in a more intimate setting. The DHS Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity for the […]

ISA takes Lead Role in Construction of NIST Framework

In response to the February 2013 executive order released by President Obama, titled “Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity”, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has undertaken the vital task of developing a new set of guidelines and standards to promote better cyber security practices in both the public and private sector. Known as the […]

Obama’s Cybersecurity Executive Order 13636

In February 2013, President Obama issued Executive Order 13636: Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, which formalized the Administration’s adoption of principals proposed by the Internet Security Alliance. The Executive Order departed from the regulatory model that the Administration previously embraced that would have granted the Department of Homeland Security extensive authority to mandate cyber security standards […]

NACD Asks ISA For Best Practices Guide

<h3>NACD asks ISA to create best practices guide for corporate board of directors</h3> The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) asked ISA to put together a guide of best practices for corporate directors. With input from the ISA Board of Directors, and in close collaboration with AIG, ISA was tasked to identify best practices in […]

ISA Criteria For Assessing The Cybersecurity Exec Order

Click Here for Full Document   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – ASSESSING PRESIDENT OBAMA’S EXECUTIVE ORDER ON CYBER SECURITY Upon realizing that comprehensive cyber security legislation to address the nation’s growing cyber security problem was unlikely to pass the Congress, President Obama issued an Executive Order on the subject in February 2013. The Order marked a watershed moment […]