Clinton Briefs Sector Coordinating Council On Encryption Project
March 18, 2016 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC CONTACT: LARRY CLINTON 202-236-0001 or CLINTON BRIEFS SECTOR COORDINATING COUNCIL ON ENCRYPTION PROJECT As part of the IT Sector Coordinating Council (IT SCC) Annual Meeting today, Internet Security Alliance President, Larry Clinton, will brief the Council on the Digital Equilibrium […]
Internet Security Alliance president outlines cyber partnership best practices
Inside Cybersecurity Reports: A new study by Internet Security Alliance president Larry Clinton outlines 10 best practices for government-industry partnerships on cybersecurity, ISA announced Wednesday. The new study highlights work from a research program led by Clinton and the Department of Homeland Security and lays out best practices endorsed by the Partnership for Critical Infrastructure […]
ISA’s Clinton: Failure to implement executive order spurs regulatory push
Inside Cybersecurity Reports: Incomplete efforts to implement President Obama’s “visionary” 2013 executive order on cybersecurity have created a policy vacuum that some federal and state officials are moving to fill with regulations, according to Internet Security Alliance president Larry Clinton. Representatives from 27 industry groups attended a meeting on Monday with officials from the National […]
ISA’s Clinton on List Of 100 Most Influential In Corporate Governance
Dark Reading Reports: The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) is proud to announce that it’s President and CEO, Larry Clinton, has been named to the “Corporate 100” which identifies the nation’s 100 most influential people in the field of corporate governance. Joining Clinton on the list are a wide range of luminaries including the 5 current […]
Major Indian Trade Group Seeks Alliance with ISA
In November of 2013, Larry Clinton, the President and CEO of the ISA, traveled to India to speak about cyber security issues in the international context. Mr. Clinton traveled to Chennai, India where he spoke with T. K. Ramachandran, a member of the board of governors and the secretary of the ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu […]
RSA: Internet Security Alliance President Larry Clinton
By Anthony Freed (InfoSec Island) Larry Clinton is President and CEO of the Internet Security Alliance (ISA). Infosec Island provides ISA members with additional news and information links via their daily email updates. ISA is a multi-sector industry group created by the former Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Intelligence and Carnegie Mellon University. […]
Interview With Internet Security Alliance President And CEO Larry Clinton
Focus By Anthony Freed, Managing Editor, Infosec Island Network Introduction I recently had the opportunity to discuss information security issues with Larry Clinton,Internet Security Alliance (ISA) President and CEO. ISA is a multi-sector trade association established in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University in 2000. ISA represents an array of organizations concerned with information security from the aviation, banking, communications, […]
State Department Sends Larry Clinton To Estonia
At the request of the US State Department ISA President Larry Clinton will visit the NATO Cyber Center of Excellence in Estonia the week of October 4, 2009 to lecture and discuss cyber security theory and practice. After completing his schedule in Estonia Mr. Clinton has been independently invited to travel to Brussels for meetings with […]