White House And Industry To Focus On Corporate Responsibility For Cyber Security
Clinton Briefs Sector Coordinating Council On Encryption Project
March 18, 2016 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC CONTACT: LARRY CLINTON 202-236-0001 or lclinton@isalliance.org) CLINTON BRIEFS SECTOR COORDINATING COUNCIL ON ENCRYPTION PROJECT As part of the IT Sector Coordinating Council (IT SCC) Annual Meeting today, Internet Security Alliance President, Larry Clinton, will brief the Council on the Digital Equilibrium […]
ISA Receives National Award For Cyber Security Leaders
PRESS RELEASE March 3, 2016 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC ISA RECEIVES NATIONAL AWARD FOR CYBER SECURITY LEADERSHIP SAN FRANCISCO, CA – March 1, 2016 – The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) received the prestigious “Editor’s Choice Award for Outstanding Leadership in Cyber Security” from the SC Magazine at their annual awards dinner held in […]
Trump Leading The Democratic Candidate
PRESS RELEASE March 1, 2016 – Washington, DC TRUMP THE LEADING dEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE That’s democratic with a small d. The most under-reported story of Super Tuesday is certainly not that Donald Trump has seized hold of the GOP nominating process or the Party’s internal revolt — that story has been beaten to death. It is […]
Trump The Leading Democratic Candidate
PRESS RELEASE March 1, 2016 TRUMP THE LEADING dEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE That’s democratic with a small d. The most under-reported story of Super Tuesday is certainly not that Donald Trump has seized hold of the GOP nominating process or the Party’s internal revolt — that story has been beaten to death. It is also […]
ISA Hails Launch Of Digital Equilibrium Project
PRESS RELEASE February 22, 2016 – WASHINGTON DC ISA HAILS LAUNCH OF DIGITAL EQUILIBRIUM PROJECT The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) praised former RSA Chairman Art Coviello for bringing together an all-star team of cyber industry, government and privacy experts to resolve policy differences among the respective communities. “The current differences between the privacy, industry and […]
Industry Coalition Urges Specific Agenda To NIST On Cyber Security Framework
PRESS RELEASE February 21st, 2016 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC INDUSTRY COALITION URGES SPECIFIC AGENDA TO NIST ON CYBER SECURITY FRAMEWORK A broad coalition of trade associations today filed a joint response to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Request for Information (RFI) on cyber security. The letter commends NIST on its […]
ISA Praises Administration For Budget Increases For Cyber Security
PRESS RELEASE February 9 2016 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC CONTACT: LARRY CLINTON 202-236-0001 or lclinton@isalliance.org) ISA PRAISES ADMINISTRATION FOR BUDGET INCREASES FOR CYBER SECURITY The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) today praised the Obama Administration for the substantial increases to improve our nation’s cyber security program that are called for in their final budget. […]
ISA Tells Congress What Government Should Learn About Cyber Security
PRESS RELEASE January 7, 2016 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC CONTACT: LARRY CLINTON 202-236-0001 or lclinton@isalliance.org) ISA TELLS CONGRESS WHAT GOVERNMENT SHOULD LEARN ABOUT CYBER SECURITY In testimony to be delivered Friday, Internet Security Alliance President Larry Clinton will provide the Congress with a “top-ten” list of things the federal government can learn from […]
ISA Featured on PBS, FOX Business, NYT, WSJ, CBS, CNN International, MSNBC, C-SPAN, CNBC & Other Media Outlets
As the issue of cyber security grows increasingly more salient, ISA has been featured in a number of high-profile print and television appearances over the past several years. Topics of discussion have ranged from hot-button issues of the day to long-standing policy implications. Some of these media appearances include USA Today, the PBS News […]