ISA Featured on PBS, FOX Business, NYT, WSJ, CBS, CNN International, MSNBC, C-SPAN, CNBC & Other Media Outlets


As the issue of cyber security grows increasingly more salient, ISA has been featured in a number of high-profile print and television appearances over the past several years. Topics of discussion have ranged from hot-button issues of the day to long-standing policy implications. Some of these media appearances include USA Today, the PBS News Hour, the Morning Show on CBS, Fox News, CNN’s Situation Room, C-SPAN, and CNBC. Below is a summary of some of the ISA’s most impactful media appearances of 2013 and 2014.


On February 13th of 2013, Larry Clinton, the President and CEO of the ISA, was invited appear on CNBC’s Power Lunch, where he discussed President Obama’s then-recent executive order on improving the critical infrastructure of cyber security. During this time frame, C-SPAN also called upon Mr. Clinton to provide expert analysis on the executive order. He appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal program on February 17th and participated in an interview, as well as an audience question and answer segment.
In October, Mr. Clinton traveled to India, where he conducted several interviews with prominent members of the Indian media. While in Mumbai, Clinton spoke at length with MTV India on October 19th as a part of the MTV Webbed initiative, an opportunity that provided excellent exposure to the issue of cyber security to a broad, international audience. He also spoke with Digit Magazine, the premier technology magazine of India. During these press events Mr. Clinton spoke on a variety of subjects, including the ISA’s social contract, the need for more market-based incentives, and greater self-regulation of both businesses and the cyber security community.
Appearing on Fox Business News, ISA President Larry Clinton rebutted the notion that the private sector is providing the National Security Agency “unfettered access” to all of its data. Mr. Clinton stressed the fact that companies safeguard their data because it is in their business interests to do so. He also noted the paradox that while Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning were able to obtain security clearances, that the people that are actually tasked with cyber security for the nation’s critical infrastructure are facing too long of a wait and are having difficulty obtaining clearances.


In May of 2014, the ISA was featured on CNN International, addressing the need for greater collaboration between the United States and the international community on cyber security.
Additionally, Mr. Clinton, as well as several ISA board members, have appeared at various televised hearings with the United States’ House and Senate, where they provided expert testimony on numerous cyber security topics.