CBS – Google To Pull Out Of China?

The CBS Early Show Google is threatening to pull out of China after some users were victims of online attacks by hackers who broke into e-mail accounts. As Daniel Sieberg reports, China’s government isn’t cooperating. To view the original video please click here.

ISA Report Lays Out Framework For Cyber Security

The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) released a new report today aimed at taking the Obama Administration’s “Cyberspace Policy Review” document to the next level. “ISA is supportive of the Obama Administration’s document,” ISA President Larry Clinton said. “Now, the private sector needs to formulate how we can implement programs in areas where we have conceptual […]

ISA Discusses Joint ANSI/ISA Project To Develop An Enterprise Wide Cybersecurity Framework

Internet Security Alliance (ISA) President Larry Clinton will describe the progress being made in the joint ANSI/ISA project to develop an enterprise wide cybersecurity framework Wednesday afternoon at the 8th Plenary of the Homeland Security Standards Panel in Washington DC. Two years ago, DHS Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity Gregory Garcia charged ISA and ANSI to […]

DR and ISA Met With Members Of The European Commission

Direct Computer Resources, Inc. (DCR) and the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) met with members of the European Commission to Promote World Wide Cyber Security and Information Protection. DCR’s President Joe Buonomo led a delegation this week from the ISA responding to a request from the European Commission (EC) for assistance in developing apublic private partnership to […]

State Department Sends Larry Clinton To Estonia

At the request of the US State Department ISA President Larry Clinton will visit the NATO Cyber Center of Excellence in Estonia the week of October 4, 2009 to lecture and discuss cyber security theory and practice. After completing his schedule in Estonia Mr. Clinton has been independently invited to travel to Brussels for meetings with […]

ISA Testifies Before Congress About Market Incentives For Cyber Security

The President of the Internet Security Alliance told the House Committee on Telecommunications and The Internet today that our electronic infrastructure is in serious danger, but that 85?90% of security breaches could be averted if due diligence and already existing industry best practices were followed. “Congress does not need to create or mandate new security standards […]

C-SPAN: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology

C-SPAN, House Energy and Commerce Subcommitte on Communications and Technology Witnesses testified about computer system security at a hearing entitled, “Cybersecurity: Network Threats and Policy Challenges.” Among the issues they addressed were the vulnerabilities of current computer networks, steps private businesses and government agencies could take to improve information security, and proactive policies to counter threats […]

ISA Releases Social Contract For Cyber Security

The Board of Directors of the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) today urged the Obama Administration to set a new direction in assuring our nation’s cyber infrastructure modeled on the social contracts that government created with industry for infrastructure development in the last century. “Virtually every aspect of American life is now dependent on this electronic infrastructure, […]