ISA Joins DHS And NIST In Promoting VOIP Security

Posted on September 22, 2008 at 4:38 pm

The Internet Security Alliance, in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security and the National Institute for Standards and Technology will launch a yearlong program designed to create greater assurance and security in the Voice over Internet Protocol Platform (VoIP), it was announced today. “VoIP and other converged & multi media networks are being deployed […]

ISA President Testifies Before House Subcomittee

Posted on October 31, 2007 at 4:40 pm

In testimony before the House Subcommittee on Cyber Security Wednesday ISAlliance President Larry Clinton said “We are past the time for simple education about cyber security. Now is the time for action.” “However, for industry and government to create an effective system we need a fundamental rethinking about how we address these issues. The Internet […]

ISA Board Member Hickey Testifies Before Congress

Posted on at 4:33 pm

“Ideologically motivated cyber attacks are increasing in volume, sophistication and coordination according to the Chairman of Communications Sector Coordinating Council (CSCC), Verizon Vice President and ISAlliance Board Vice Chair Mike Hickey. In testimony Wednesday before the House Committee on Cyber Security Hickey described the tremendous efforts already underway to combat the threat and identified pragmatic […]

ISA Testifies Before The House Information Policy Committee

Posted on October 23, 2007 at 4:53 pm

In testimony today before the House Information Policy Committee of the Government Reform Committee today, ISA President Larry Clinton said “government reform is clearly what’s needed” to combat a growing cyber threat. Clinton said government needs to change the way it conceptualizes its relationship with the private sector in order to develop a sustainable system […]

ISA Board Chairman Testifies Before House Committee On Government Reform

Posted on at 4:30 pm

Ken Silva, VeriSign’s Chief Security Officer, and Chairman of the Internet Security Alliance Board of Directors highlighted the increased threat from cyber attacks to the economy and national security in testimony today before the House Committee on Government Reform. “Today’s attacks can cause damage a hundred times more extensive than the attacks of just a […]

Cyber Security Policy Briefing

Posted on February 10, 2003 at 6:26 pm

Internet security executives spoke about programs designed to provide better information security.

C-Span Cyber Security Policy Briefing

Posted on at 3:38 pm

Internet security executives spoke about programs designed to provide better information security. Among the topics they addressed were providing effective warnings of security threats, corporate responsibility for information security, training and certification programs, and designing information sharing systems on a global basis. Following their remarks they answered questions from reporters in the audience. To view […]

C-Span 2 Cyber Security Policy Briefing

Posted on at 2:09 pm

C-SPAN 2 Internet security executives spoke about programs designed to provide better information security. Among the topics they addressed were providing effective warnings of security threats, corporate responsibility for information security, training and certification programs, and designing information sharing systems on a global basis. Following their remarks they answered questions from reporters in the audience. […]