- President Biden Releases new National Strategy for Cybersecurity. ISA had extensive contact with the WH which wrote the new strategy. The new strategy adopted made major “shifts” in the government’s policy consistent with ISA recommendations. Among other issues ISA policy is reflected in new emphasis on altering the incentive structure for cybersecurity (ISA mantra for 20 years) eliminating redundant regulations, enhancing workforce development, requiring cyber programs to demonstrate cost benefit.
- National Media Covers SA and National Association of Corporate Directors Release of Cyber Risk Handbook for Corporate Boards. CBS, CNN, Politico and WP cover joint news conference for launch ofThe NACD-ISA Cyber Risk Handbook. Handbook is also endorsed by the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Director Easterly wrote the Forward) as well as The FBI and the Secret Service. Handbook contains a new “ESG” Principle developed by ISA NACD & World Economic Forum and is the only set of best practices in cybersecurity that has been independently assessed and found to enhance corporate security. NACD says this handbook is their most popular publication.
- The Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Mark Green, personally reaches to ISA. In email to ISA President Chairman Green informs ISA that our new book Fixing American Cybersecurity, has convinced him that cybersecurity is now “as important as what we are doing to secure the southern boarder) In subsequent private dinner Mr. Green asks to work with ISA on a new process to create a “whole of government approach” to cybersecurity and maps out initial strategy with ISA.
- ISA board of directors meets with White House and CISA to discuss implementation of new national strategy. As part of their spring board meeting the ISA board met with the WH Director for Cybersecurity Policy and Budget, Rob Knake and the WH General Counsel for the Director’s office, Jim Halpert. The ISA board also met with CISA Director Jen Easterly, CISA Chief of Staff and several senior staff from DHS to discuss clarification and implantation of the new national strategy.
- ISA board meets with Congressional leadership. Also, as part of the spring board meeting ISA met with the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, the Chair of the Cyber Subcommittee and key Congressional Members from Armed Services and Appropriations, foreign Affairs and Intelligence Committees. ISA seeks to coordinate advocacy on cyber issues in a bi-partisan fashion notwithstanding current political environment.
- ISA and German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) release second edition of German Cyber Risk Handbook. ISA has worked with BSI in coordination with SAP and AIG to adapt the US (ISA-NACD) handbook to the unique German culture. With the new German and US editions there are now 10 adapted versions of the handbooks on 4 continents and in 5 languages.
- ISA Keynotes International Conference on Cybersecurity from board level. Skytop Conference in Romebrings together ISA BSI and representatives from European Conference of Corporate Directors to discuss need for unified international approach to cyber risk oversight at the abord level.