ISA Testimony Leads To Bipartisan Cyber Incentives Effort

ISA’s long-standing efforts to create an economically viable and sustainable approach to cybersecurity reached a milestone following an unusually collaborative and non-partisan hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology on February 8, 2012. After the hearing, Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) and Ranking Member Anna Eshoo (D-CA) formed a bipartisan Task […]
ISA Testifies Before Congress About Market Incentives For Cyber Security
The President of the Internet Security Alliance told the House Committee on Telecommunications and The Internet today that our electronic infrastructure is in serious danger, but that 85?90% of security breaches could be averted if due diligence and already existing industry best practices were followed. “Congress does not need to create or mandate new security standards […]
ISA President Testifies Before House Subcomittee
In testimony before the House Subcommittee on Cyber Security Wednesday ISAlliance President Larry Clinton said “We are past the time for simple education about cyber security. Now is the time for action.” “However, for industry and government to create an effective system we need a fundamental rethinking about how we address these issues. The Internet […]