ISA Featured on PBS, FOX Business, NYT, WSJ, CBS, CNN International, MSNBC, C-SPAN, CNBC & Other Media Outlets
As the issue of cyber security grows increasingly more salient, ISA has been featured in a number of high-profile print and television appearances over the past several years. Topics of discussion have ranged from hot-button issues of the day to long-standing policy implications. Some of these media appearances include USA Today, the PBS News […]
Cyber Security and the Private Sector

House Energy and Commerce Subcommitte on Communications and Technology Witnesses testified on cybersecurity threats to the U.S., and the role of the private sector and federal government in addressing those threats. They focused on cyber threats to small businesses, communications companies, mobile technology, cloud computing, and smart phone applications. Other topics included federal legislation on […]
CSPAN: The Communicators on cybersecurity and privacy issues

Marc Rotenberg and Larry Clinton, two critics of the Obama administration’s proposals for reducing cyber threats against the U.S., talked about their objections and criticisms.
Cybersecurity: Network Threats and Policy Challenges

Cyber Security Policy Briefing

Internet security executives spoke about programs designed to provide better information security.