Obama’s Two Cyber Leaders Will Speak Back-To-Back At ISA Conference
Obama Creating Federal Ciso Post
Bank Info Security Reports: President Obama is creating the position of federal chief information security officer as part of a multifaceted initiative aimed at strengthening the nation’s IT security. Related steps include the formation of a public-private Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, as well as a proposal to boost government cybersecurity spending next fiscal year […]
DHS Workshop Marks Key Phase of Obama’s Cyber Information Sharing Push
Inside Cybersecurity Reports: The Department of Homeland Security will convene a workshop in Silicon Valley this week to make headway on implementing President Obama’s executive order on improving the exchange of cyber threat data between government and industry, an effort that faces significant obstacles but has captured the interest of key private-sector stakeholders. The July […]
White House Releases “Cyber Space Policy Review” — ISA is Most Cited Source
Released in 2009, the Cyber Space Policy Review was the Obama Administration’s assessment of U.S. policies and structure for cybersecurity. Drawing heavily from the Internet Security Alliance as a resource, the paper outlined a path forward to creating a reliable and resilient digital infrastructure. Covering resources including the Cyber Security Social Contract, white papers, and […]
Obama’s Cybersecurity Executive Order 13636
In February 2013, President Obama issued Executive Order 13636: Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, which formalized the Administration’s adoption of principals proposed by the Internet Security Alliance. The Executive Order departed from the regulatory model that the Administration previously embraced that would have granted the Department of Homeland Security extensive authority to mandate cyber security standards […]
COMMERCE SECRETARY: ISA Mobile Security Work Top Achievement

A year after President Obama issued his “Cyberspace Policy Review,” he called a high-level meeting of public and private sector representatives, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, and National Cyber Security Coordinator (“Cyber Czar”) Howard Schmidt at the White House to discuss progress and achievements in cyber security. With President Obama and ISA […]
Cybersecurity Bill Passes, Obama Threatens Veto
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, which has been revised several times over the past week, allows the government and private companies to share information with one another with the aim of warding off cyber threats.
CSPAN: The Communicators on cybersecurity and privacy issues

Marc Rotenberg and Larry Clinton, two critics of the Obama administration’s proposals for reducing cyber threats against the U.S., talked about their objections and criticisms.